This product’s origins is in the development of a virtual security algorithm that recognizes each user’s typing pattern through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
With the BiometricKey, it is possible to develop continuous systems able to authenticate the user in real-time, ensuring security and privacy.
Check out how the BiometricKey works in some security systems of the company senhasegura in the following video:

The system is based on several articles that state the way the mouse is moved and the pattern of typing in keyboards, physical or virtual, are particular to each user, allowing to identify the personalized dynamic with a precision of over 99%.
Besides desktop computers, the solution can also be applied to mobile devices, increasing the privacy and security levels when accessing remote systems. The Android / iOS app bases its users’ authentication by the touch in the device’s screen and by the movement that occurred during the typing, captured by the device’s accelerometer and gyroscope.
This research project founded in a partnership between Quickium, the university Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo – Campus Piracicaba and the company MT4 Networks, to implement the senhasegura solution through the program “Inova IFSP”.