Computer vision is a segment of artificial intelligence that enables computers to visualize and understand the real world and is each day more present in our day to day. Whether in self-driving cars, medicine, agriculture, industry 4.0 or other areas, computer vision has become an important tool in the optimization of processes, mainly the ones that require recognizing and identifying objects.
The Quickium Eye solution, a computer vision system that through an in-house artificial intelligence developed based on globally renowned research, is capable of recognizing and identifying many objects in a short time, even fractions of seconds. The solution can also integrate other systems to assist in decision making.
Their possible applications include:
Eletronic fare system;
Automatic gate control;
Identifying people;
Security systems;
Applications in agribusiness.

The Quickium Eye was initially developed for the 2nd Innovation Challenge SEM PARAR in 2019, promoted by the electronic fare company SEM PARAR and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo – Campus Piracicaba.
After the challenge, the solution has been optimized and can be applied to any system that needs to identify and classify objects.
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