Quickium was created in September 2019 to develop Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions. The organization plans and executes projects with educational institutes, an example is the solution CLQuickim, which manages industries and performs predictive maintenance, optimizing the efficiency of the industries.

Since 2019, Quickium has participated in several events that demonstrate the startup’s ability to innovate, an example is the “OpenCV IA 2021” in which the proposed project was among 20 finalists in Latin America.

Quickium is made up of engineers, administrators, physicists, professors and researchers from graduates to PhDs, a multidisciplinary team that loves to face challenges.


Optimize customer business through technological solutions based on Artificial Intelligence.


Enabling customers to benefit from artificial intelligence simply and easily.


Ethics, Honesty and Privacy

Our History







OpenRAN@Brasil Program

Quickium was approved in the OpenRAN@Brasil Program, a Brazil’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation initiative which aims to boost the development of the open networks ecosystem by the way of research, development, innovation and training in 5G technologies and applications. Focusing on the Industry 4.0, Quickium proposed a workplace safety focused Computer Vision solution, utilizing concepts of Artificial Intelligence.

Finep + ABDI Challenge Program

Quickium was approved in the Finep + ABDI Challenge Program – in which we submitted a module focused on Workplace Safety, utilizing Artificial Intelligence to monitor Work Permits. This program is supported by Nestlé, where the solution is undergoing its test phase in one of its facilities.

TIM 5G Challenge

Quickium was selected to participate in the “TIM 5G Challenge”, a program that aimed to obtain agribusiness solutions that benefit from the 5G connection. Quickium proposed a project that optimizes workplace safety through AI and IoT mechanisms


Quickium was selected to participate in the “TIM 5G Challenge”, a program that aimed to obtain agribusiness solutions that benefit from the 5G connection. Quickium proposed a project that optimizes workplace safety through AI and IoT mechanisms.

Quickium Gym

The Quickium Gym solution wins the first stage of the “OpenCV AI 2021” competition, a contest in the Artificial Intelligence area realized by Intel, Microsoft Azure and OpenCV.

Smart Saving

Beginning of the partnership with Smart Saving, carried out after initial contact at Technology Hub Brasil 2019.

IoT Challenge

The CLQuickium participated in the fourth IoT Challenge, a competition that chose 10 IoT projects to be exhibited to the public at the Technology Hub Brazil 2019.

Agtech Garage

Beginning of the partnership with Agtech Garage, one of the biggest innovation hubs in agribusiness of Latin America.

Innovation Challenge IFSP - Sem Parar 2019

We participated in the Innovation Challenge, promoted in 2019 by the electronic tariff company SEM PARAR (No Stop) in partnership with the university Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP) – Campus Piracicaba.